Is Candida Overgrowth Causing Your Hair Loss?

Jessica Green
4 min readNov 27, 2019


Did you know that your alopecia (hair loss) and skin disorders could be caused by Candida overgrowth? And that oral contraceptives and antibiotics could create this microbiome imbalance?

There’s more to Candida overgrowth than this though. The list of causes and symptoms may surprise you. Happily, there is a solution to getting your microbiome back into balance and reverse these symptoms.

What is Candida?

Candida Albicans is a common yeast/fungus found in absolutely everyone. It’s a natural part of our microbiome. It lives in our mouth, gut, skin and vagina.

What are Common Causes?

Imbalance happens when our good bacteria is compromised. When this happens, the fungus moves right in to where that good bacteria was.

  • antibiotic use
  • high alcohol intake
  • oral birth control
  • chronic stress
  • sugar and high carb foods
  • high mercury in the body
  • Mycotoxin exposure through food or air

What are Common Symptoms of Candida Overgrowth?

  1. Urinary Tract and Vaginal Infections — This is one of the more common ways you might see a Candida overgrowth. You might see white discharge that smells a bit like yeast and experience itching and burning or you might experience pain and burning while urinating.
  2. Thrush — This is an oral overgrowth of Candida that appears as white bumps that can be sore and even bleed when scraped. This is more common in newborns and elderly who may have a compromised immune system.
  3. Hair Loss — Candida overgrowth can also cause hair loss. Many people with alopecia areata (universalis and totalis) and scarring alopecia will also have a Candida overgrowth.
  4. Skin Issues — These can appear as toenail fungus and skin rashes usually in folds of skin like around toes and under arms. Eczema is another skin infection caused by a yeast called Malassezia sympodialis. Malassezia can also cause dandruff.
  5. Gut Issues — Candida overgrowth has also been linked to Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. But it may appear simply as diarrhea, constipation, gas, cramps and bloating.
  6. Fatigue — Candida overgrowth has been linked to low B6 vitamins and magnesium which results in fatigue. In one study, prolonged Candida overgrowth has been linked to chronic fatigue syndrome.

How to Test

The best test I’ve found for checking on gut imbalances including Candida overgrowth and Small Intestinal Bacteria Overgrowth (SIBO) is the Organic Acids Test. This is a simple at home urine test that you can order online here.

Anti-Candida Protocol

If you have any of the above symptoms and tested positive for Candida Overgrowth, there are a number of dietary approaches and supplements that can support your recovery.

Here are the basics.


Sugar feeds yeast. In addition to cutting out refined sugar, be sure to cut out natural sugars like honey, maple syrup and coconut sugar as well or save these for special occasions only.

You can replace these with monkfruit or stevia. Both are sweeter than more conventional sweeteners but don’t feed yeast.


Wine, beer, cider and champagne all are high in sugar as well as yeast (during the fermentation process).

Alcohol is also toxic for your body and causes inflammation. If, however you want to have an occasional drink, opting for a clear distilled liquor like vodka or clear tequila will be less likely to cause a candida party in your body.

Fermented Foods

If you’re having difficulty shaking the Candida overgrowth, try cutting out fermented foods. Instead take a soil probiotic like Megaspore to help repopulate your gut with good bacteria.

Starchy Vegetables

I don’t want you to accidentally go into ketosis especially if you’re already at a low weight but limiting starchy vegetables and grains to no more than 1/2 cup each for lunch and dinner may be where you should start. These carbs turn into sugar pretty quickly in your body and feed the yeast so try to limit these. Instead, focus on other colorful vegetables like broccoli, purple cabbage, red bell peppers, tomatoes and lettuce.

Now that your foods are figured out, it’s important to look at supplement protocol that may help you to get rid of the overgrowth.

I use the CBO Protocol with myself and my clients. This is a 3-month long protocol that will help you rebalance your gut properly.

I currently have availability to take new clients. If you’d like to find out how we can work together, book a chat with me here.



Jessica Green

Jessica is a Holistic Health Coach and Integrative Health Practitioner who helps midlife women flow through peri and menopause with ease.